Thinness or underweight is a problem facing many women and cause them discomfort and loss of self-confidence may feel thin women as less attractive than other women.
And thinness may cause a lot of health problems as well as weight loss, such as:
1. feeling weak, weakness and lack of stamina.
2. Stop the menstrual cycle or irregular.
3. a weakened immune system and exposure to many diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, fever, nephritis.
4. anemia and anemia.
5. osteoporosis.
6. infertility in women.
7. hair loss.
8. hypotension.
9. appearance of premature wrinkles.
The thinness occur due to many reasons such as:
1. malnutrition, which starts from childhood.
2. genetic reasons.
3. some physical ailments, such as an overactive thyroid, certain digestive diseases that prevent food properly, incidence of certain tumors, chronic diarrhea, liver disorders absorption.
4. Some mental illnesses such as severe depression, which causes loss of appetite, mania, anorexia nervosa.
5. excessive physical effort.
To remedy thinness must first ensure the absence of any of the above-mentioned diseases by conducting some tests and medical tests such as analysis of blood picture and full level of thyroid hormones in the blood.
And you can do some steps that can help you increase your weight healthy way, such as:
1. Proper nutrition:
Meals must include all of the nutrients needed by the body Kalkrbohadarat, fats, vitamins and proteins.
You can divide the meal into small meals to stimulate the digestive tract and digestive enzymes.
Some juices may provide you with energy and working on weight like a banana with milk and milk increase the ring, and you can naturally sweetened with honey bees.
Lot of acts of eating fruits and vegetables, which provide the body with vitamins and minerals needed.
Eating nuts gives you energy and it provide the body with a range of useful fat, fiber and some important such as calcium, potassium and iron elements.
Stop smoking Valsjair contain some substances that cause loss of appetite, and harmful to health in general.
Eat your food with family and friends has this helps you to increase your appetite.
Do not drink water while eating so as not to feel fullness and satiety.
Chew food slowly.
The two types of foods that you eat so as not to feel bored.
2. Exercise:
Choose a sport that you like best provided they do not require great physical exertion and Marisseha regularly are working to build muscle and increase the appetite and works to stimulate blood circulation and improve health in general.
3. consult a doctor:
Consult your doctor to prescribe a range of vitamins and diet works for you, which may help you to gain weight healthily.
4. rest and not stress:
Get enough sleep and rest Stress may cause loss of appetite.
It is important to focus more attention on thinness as a health condition just as important that we look at obesity Both may cause a lot of physical and mental illnesses.
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